Ms. Audrey’s experience here at South Shore has been great. She describes South Shore as everyone working together very nicely and having TAs to help around. Ms. Audrey states that something that makes South Shore different from other schools is that here at South Shore, everyone is very friendly, and like a big community, big family. Staff members and teachers help all the students whenever they need help. Such as, heating up their food, “those little things make it feel like we are all in a big family” she describes. What Ms. Audrey enjoys about working in the office is seeing the kids happy. She enjoys seeing the kids come in and ready to study. She also enjoys working with all the staff. She enjoys seeing all the kids come in and solve problems together, and just being happy, “and I’m happy to see all of this.”. Ms. Audrey would say working in the Main Office is a peaceful environment. She states, “It is a pretty peaceful environment because we have a strong culture to help each other, we work as a team and its pretty safe, everyone takes safety very seriously.”
Ms. Audrey does a lot of things in the office. Such as opening the door, answering phone calls, helping the Nurse when she is not available, (like when she is in a meeting or doing paperwork). She mentions how helping students and taking care of them in the main office can be pretty difficult because there are a lot of people going in and out, and it is really busy. She then states, “But, I think because we work all together as a team, everyone shares their responsibility, so yes, that makes things a little easier for everyone. While doing work, we get disrupted constantly but the good thing is, is that we can take that difficulty and move forward.” Before Ms. Audrey worked in the Main Office, she had actually been a long-term substitute last year here at South Shore. This year is Ms. Audrey’s first year as a regular staff, working in the Main Office. Ms. Audrey remembers the first time she came to South Shore; she describes that Ms. Anna had been very nice and helpful. And that Ms. Anna had taught her how this school functions, and so that’s why Ms. Audrey describes herself as “easy to be on board.”