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Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year


Lunar New Years (also known as Chinese New Year, Chunjie, Solnal, Losar, Spring Festival, and Tet) is a festival commonly celebrated in many Asian countries throughout the first new moon in the lunar calendar to the first full moon. Since Lunar New Years is based on the lunar calendar, the exact date of the holiday is slightly varying each year. Family members get red envelopes that contain money, to symbolize good luck for the new year. Since Lunar New Year is a festival, there is a lot of celebrating with dances and fireworks.


Lunar New Year’s origins go back thousands of years and there are multiple legends about it. One legend talks about a beast called Nian. Nian was a beast who lived at the bottom of the sea. On the last day of Lunar New Year, it would come out and eat humans and livestock. So, every year, the humans would flee into the mountains, so they do not die. One day an old man promised to drive Nian away. However, the villagers did not believe him, so they fled into the mountains. On the day Nian went up to the shore to eat the humans and livestock once again, it was met with bright lights and firecrackers. The man stepped forward dressed in red and Nian retreated into the water. Once the villagers came back from the mountains, their village was untouched. The old man was a celestial being and told the villagers that the secret to drive away Nian was red, bright lights, and firecrackers. From then on, the villagers would hang up bright red lanterns, keep lights on, set off firecrackers, and put-up red decorations to drive away Nian. This became a tradition that spread across China and nearby Asian countries.

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